Rather than thinking, oh, I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, say, wow, here’s a chance to grow!
Carol Dweck
The 360 feedback assessment by The Leadership Circle® provides an unparalleled depth of self-awareness and insight into team relationships for leadership and team development.
Yes, it is vulnerable. Maybe even scary. And yes, it is powerful. So powerful that with this 360, you'll progress faster than with a regular coaching path.
This is how it works. ​
You engage in a self-assessment: in this step, you reveal your own intentions and the essence of your work and leadership. A portion of your inner world becomes visible.
Your colleagues complete the assessments: the feedback is often profound and given with a sincere desire to witness your growth. This diverse group of colleagues acts as a mirror, reflecting your impact on the immediate work environment, illuminating your outer world.
The debrief: in the debriefing phase, the outcomes come to life. We explore how your inner and outer worlds converge or diverge. It's a critical moment where we collectively examine what works for you and what doesn't, and why.
The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP)™, the 360 tool I use, offers unique insights into the core question: are you leading to avoid loss, or are you leading with the purpose of making a positive impact? This distinction between reactive and creative leadership forms the essence of the LCP™ and opens the door to growth, both on a personal and leadership level, for both yourself and your environment.
Creative leadership
Your inner game is the foundation of your outer game.
Reactive leadership
Diving deep quickly? This 360 provides you with the kickstart for the next phase in your leadership.
I facilitate 360 feedback assessments for leaders and teams:
Individual Growth: it begins with the awareness of the impact of your current leadership. What is your influence, and what impact would you like to have?
Team Development: teams where each team member undergoes the assessment grow faster. Team members gain a shared language, deeper understanding of each other, and the ability to make better choices for the future.
Goals and Strategies: the 360 assessment reveals why goals and strategies get stuck and highlights what leaders need to change themselves.
Culture and Behavior Change: this starts with leaders' understanding of why they themselves apply the brakes or the accelerator to more complex and sensitive issues.
Measurable Success Factors: the 360 assessment is both qualitative and quantitative, making it suitable for monitoring progress in both personal and team journeys.
This can take place in person, online, or in a hybrid format.