Development tools
Development happens gradually and takes time. Development tools will help you bring the change issue into clearer focus, achieve a better overview of the hard and soft factors, or change the dialogue. A tool can bring depth, an element of surprise and a clear structure to the conversation. What the wide range of development tools have in common is that they provide you and your team a shared language for engaging in more complex dialogues. Stokes Connect works with the following tools.
About patterns and unwritten rules
In-depth interviews with people in all layers of the organization. Asking questions, observing, seeing what is below the surface and discussing it out in the open. Seeing what is really happening here, what is truly important, and who makes the decisions. What stands out, what is repeated so often on macro and micro levels that a pattern emerges, and what unwritten rules does everyone need to know in order to be successful? These cultural insights yield enough information to determine what the organization wants to change and define a course to implement the envisioned changes. The scan is inspired by the principles of corporate anthropology.

About positivity and productivity
A faster online scan looking at more quantitative indicators, filled out by all team members. It provides a dynamic overview of how the team sees itself in the positivity factors (trust, humour, etc.) and how it sees itself in the productivity factors (goals, KPIs, etc.) All factors need to be good to ensure a smooth-running team that achieves actual results and improves the status quo. The assessment tool used is provided by Team Coaching International.
About values that drive the organization and its people
Good to remember: change is nothing new. We’ve been coping with change since the dawn of human history. Every organization goes through its own cycles of innovation, growth and stabilization. What’s important in your organisation? What are the key drivers that motivate people? Which drivers would be useful to move forward? The Values Profiles offer a wide-ranging colour palette that helps define the organization’s development. This tool facilitates leaders in finding organic and pragmatic ways to continue developing the organisation. The Values Profiles used are from Core Commit.

About differences, similarities and collaboration
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator helps you identify your personal preferences. It looks at factors like introvert and extrovert, feeling and thinking, and other dimensions. Above all, the MBTI offers words to describe where you are different from others, and where you are the same. It also looks at how those similarities and differences help or hinder you in your work and your private life. This profile can be used for individuals, but also for team development projects. For example, it might be useful to know that the difference between an introvert preference and an extrovert preference is about 7 seconds... The profiles used are from The Myers-Briggs Company.